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Kimberly had a lot going on when she decided to return to college. Delta fit in with her family and work obligations perfectly, and now she’s on her way to fulfilling a longtime dream.

“The professors really want to see you succeed.”
Kimberly had a lot going on when she decided to return to college. Delta fit in with her family and work obligations perfectly, and now she’s on her way to fulfilling a longtime dream.


From a young age, Adam Coenis had an interest in helping people. He chose Delta because it was close to home, he could save money and he could work while taking classes.

“Delta has given me a sense of security.”
From a young age, Adam Coenis had an interest in helping people. 小舒代理 - 高速http代理ip每天更新:2021-6-11 · 小舒代理专业为您提供代理ip购买|代理服务器|高速http代理|免费代理ip|代理ip地址|最新免费代理ip每天更新,想要了解更多代理服务|代理地址|代理列表的详情,就到小舒代理。


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“Delta is the smart choice.”
Office life is not for Jaden. After taking a skilled trades class in high school, he decided he wanted to find a career that would allow him to work with his hands to build things.


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Tania said caring for her critically ill grandfather — ​ with whom she was close — is the reason she chose to pursue a nursing degree at Delta College.


Michael knew about Delta College from a very young age. He has several family members that are past students, so it was a no-brainer that he would come here, too. 

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Michael knew about Delta College from a very young age. He has several family members that are past students, so it was a no-brainer that he would come here, too. 

News at Delta

The unprecedented flooding produced damage to 2,300 homes and businesses in five counties, and displaced thousands of people.
Delta College’s Q-TV developing documentary about dam failures

The unprecedented flooding produced damage to 2,300 homes and businesses in five counties, and displaced thousands of people.

Planetarium offers tips on how to spot Comet NEOWISE

On July 22, the comet, named after the spacecraft that discovered it, will make its nearest approach to Earth.

New partnership connects students and employers via phone app

The College Central Network app features part-time jobs, internships and full-time positions.

This spring, Diane Lobsiger-Braden taught
Engineering professor finds success in remote teaching

This spring, Diane Lobsiger-Braden taught "Introduction to PLC," a class that is normally taught in person.

http代理ip网站服务器一开始在大伙儿的生活起居普遍起来:2021-6-10 · 你当前的位置:首页 > ip代理小知识 > http代理ip网站服务器一开始在大伙儿的生活起居普遍起来 http代理ip网站服务器一开始在大伙儿的生活起居普遍起来 来源: 泥马IP 作者: 张重钢 2021年6月10日 11:35 最近发现 ip代理 网站服务器像雨后春笋一般从这类应用商城上泄露了出来。

New and current students are encouraged to plan ahead now by enrolling or registering for classes.

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